Casicrane Jan. 2, 2024, 4:08 a.m.

Taking High Quality Photos For Your Products

Choosing the right photo for your products is important. Quality images can have a significant impact on the sales of a product and on the ability of a product to stand out from its competitors. There are a number of attributes to consider when taking a quality photo.

One aspect to consider is the positioning of your product in an image. Capture images of products in various angles to give customers an accurate description of your product. Also, consider taking close up shots of your products to highlight smaller details and elements. Below are some examples of shots you would take for different categories of products:

Product Image Examples

Look at how your product is being lit. Check out the various lighting sources in your environment. Would natural lighting alone work for you or would you need additional lamps? When using natural lighting, placing your products near a window during daytime creates a well lit area with softer shadows. You can further support this effect with white backgrounds and bounce boards. If you don't have natural light, you can replicate a well lit product with multiple lights positioned at different angles.

Are the devices you are using to capture photos producing high quality images? If you are using a smartphone, find one with a camera that uses 12 megapixels or more. Try not to use the front facing camera on your phone as the quality is not as good. Take multiple photos of your product and afterwards, select the ones with the highest quality. If you have any questions or concerns you can reach me here.